
Thursday, December 12, 2013

"all is calm. all is bright."

it has been a rough week. lots of prep as we head into the holidays along with unexpected automotive and pet hiccups. (happy to report all is well on both front this p.m.!) and with news that a new baby has arrived we couldn't be happier!

the tree is up. school and lessons are winding down. the short cold days are welcome to this northern soul. the girls took on the gingerbread house on their own this year and did a marvelous job.


looking to this last weekend to wrap up the last of the presents and start packing!


this single spark said...

I'm sure you're brother has been keeping you informed but, miss northern soul, after nearly 2 weeks of -40s (with the wind chill) you can have the cold! my skin is cracked, tired all the time and totally surviving on carbs. and it's only december!

but other than than, glad pet and car stuff is sorted out. very happy for a post that reminds me of the true meaning of the season. i'm in my january slump early this yea. :]

this single spark said...

that was year, not yea. definitely not yea....