
Wednesday, September 14, 2011

almost 10

early tomorrow morning she will be 10.

9 has been wonderful. she has grown so much. so confident. inquisitive. opinionated. but thoughtful.

almost 10

and kind. (she is amazing with animals - and has become the mama hen to the other kids in the neighborhood.)

and i am filled with giddy anticipation at 10. (i remember 10 well.)

almost 10

happy birthday baby. (you always will be.) xo

(both pics taken from our time in london. oh what a summer.)

last year


BunkleLife said...

Happy birthday E! (T, she looks more and more like you with each year! :)
xoxo J

rebecca said...

that second shot - the close up - i see photos at friend's houses that they put up of themselves when they were young. photos they know embody their true self and remind them who they want to be, the young person they want to honor by growing up into their dream self. i think e will feel that way about this photo. woah. heavy. ;) happy belated birthday.